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- CHAPTER 1 - Preview of Wavelets, Wavelet Filters, and Wavelet Transforms
1.1 What is a Wavelet?
1.2 What is a Wavelet Filter and how is it different from a Wavelet?
1.3 The value of Transforms and Examples of Everyday Use
1.4 Short-Time Transforms, Sheet Music, and a first look at Wavelet Transforms
1.5 Example of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) with an Embedded Pulse Signal
1.6 Examples using the Continuous Wavelet Transform
1.7 A First Glance at the Undecimated Discrete Wavelet Transform (UDWT)
1.8 A First Glance at the conventional Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
1.9 Examples of use of the conventional DWT
1.10 Summary
- CHAPTER 11 - Case Studies of Wavelet Applications
11.1 White Noise in a Chirp Signal
11.2 Binary Signal Buried in Chirp Noise
11.3 Binary Signal with White Noise
11.4 Image Compression/De-noising
11.5 Improved Performance using the UDWT
11.6 Summary
- Preface
Understanding & Harnessing Wavelet “Elephants”
How this Book Differs from Other Wavelet Texts
How this Book is Laid OutStudy Suggestions
- Table of Contents
- Index
- Front Cover
- Back Cover
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